Ideja bloga mi se već neko vrijeme motala po glavi i danas sam se napokon odlučila provesti ju u djelo. Uspješno ili ne, ostavimo to vremenu neka pokaže...
Obzirom da mi život, uz muža, mačka i posao koje volim, ispunjavaju razne sitnice poput mode, izrade nakita, DIY projekata, filmova, hrane i knjiga i kojekakvih još sitnica, upravo o tome ću i pisati. Znači, očekujte sve i ništa...
I nakon začudo (za mene) brzinskog odabira osnovnih karakteristika izgleda samog bloga, ostalo mi je još samo da dan privedem kraju kratkim post-om i zaželim vam laku noć uz bend koji mi je, uz blogiranje, zadnjih dana okupirao međuušni prostor, Broods. Do skorog čitanja...
I've been pondering the idea of blogging for some time now and today I've finally decided to make it happen. Whether this is going to end up as a successful venture or not, let's leave it to time to tell.
Considering that my life, other than the husband, the cat and the job I love, consists of heaps of other life frolics, such as fashion, jewellery design, DIY projects, films, food and books, those will be the things I'll be writing about. So, expect everything and nothing...
And after a surprisingly (in my case) quick decision on the layout of the blog itself, there's nothing else left to do than to end the day with this quick post and wish you all a good night with a band that's been, other than the blogging, occupying my in-between-ears area for the last couple of days, Broods. Talk to you soon...